
UK planning policy now gives local people the final say on planning applications for wind turbines: When determining planning applications for wind energy development involving one or more wind turbines, local planning authorities should only grant planning permission if:
  • The development site is in an area identified as suitable for wind energy development in a Local or Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Following consultation, it can be demonstrated that the planning impacts identified by affected local communities have been fully addressed and therefore the proposal has their backing.*
*Written Ministerial Statement 18 Jun 2015, Where Local or Neighbourhood Plans make no mention of area suitability for wind energy development, we can work with landowners, residents, community groups and others to help local and neighbourhood authorities come up with a method to determine suitable areas for wind turbines. CHL has worked with public sector organisations and private individuals on wind turbine planning applications and is currently seeking suitable sites for wind projects. We can manage all aspects of wind turbine development, from feasibility, design and planning through to installation, operation and maintenance. A few years ago, we undertook an Environmental Impact Assessment for a single 500 kW wind turbine, which involved detailed environmental surveys and considered all aspects of the proposed development, including:
  • Site Selection and Design
  • Landscape and Visual Impact
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Ecology and Ornithology
  • Hydrology.
  • Noise
  • Transport and Access
  • Aviation
  • Shadow Flicker
WIND CALCULATOR Wind Calculator coming soon… Call us today on 07792 319313 if you are interested in developing wind power in your local area.